Saturday, May 16, 2020

Mental Illness Is A Bitch - 1251 Words

Mental illness is a bitch â€Å"Nobody will ever pay you a million dollars for your pictures. These are words my father said to me once.That has stuck with me for over twenty years. I have been a amateur photographer and also personally living with a mental illness. I always wanted to be a professional photographer what I really was interested in was traveling to places around the world take amazing images like the ones I would see in magazines. I had stacks of Popular Photography and Outdoor Photographer that I would read over and over until they would fall apart some of them were years old reading about composition, lighting, and other technical aspects of photography. I would also read books about people that had real adventures like Peter Jenkins a man who walked from New York to Oregon in the 1970 s. My first real experience with photography I was handed a rangefinder by my high school girlfriend to this day I remember the words said to me here see what you can do. Today, I don t know where she is, trust me that s ok. Fuck, that girl broke my heart. What I do know is that day my world changed in how I saw the world. When I looked through that lens the world was isolated that was crazy can t remember what the first thing I saw was what I did know is that I knew what I wanted to do. I do have my favorite photographers like John Shaw. He showed me how beautiful nature was. Yes, there are others today that I like but he was the first. At some point I stayed withShow MoreRelatedComparison Between Pale Horse, Pale Rider By Katherine Ann Porter And The Snows of Kilimanjaro By Ernest Hemingway679 Words   |  3 Pageswoman, his companion on the wild African safari, his remarks were very cruel and harsh, for example you bitch, you rich bitch. Perhaps the inspiration of Harrys character came from Hemingway who was misogynist himself. 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