Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Dream Vision Essay - 1004 Words

Dream Vision: In a dream vision, the dreamer receives knowledge that he would not have known had he not dreamt it. Basically, rather than the character receiving information from another character, he receives information in a dream. Early in the semester, we read â€Å"The Dream of the Rood.† The title gives away that this is a dream vision. Although we do not witness the character in the dream vision first hand, â€Å"The Dream of the Rood† is his retelling of what he saw in his dream vision: Attend to what I intend to tell you a marvelous dream that moved me at night when human voices are veiled in sleep. In my dream I espied the most splendid tree (Lines 1-4). In his dream, the speaker attains knowledge he would not have otherwise possessed:†¦show more content†¦It’s the perfect dirty joke. The Three Estates: There were three classes in the Middle Ages in which people were divided based on their trade and wealth. The first class was the clergy; this estate was represented by the religious people such as monks and nuns who spent their time praying and teaching God’s word. The second class was nobility which was made up of knights and others who fought. Third was the class of peasantry: everyone else. In the â€Å"General Prologue† of The Canterbury Tales, Chaucer carefully selected many people from each class to be represented. Of course, his representations of each of the members of the pilgrimage may be quite exaggerated and theatrical to give us a more entertaining read. He also, very carefully, points out quite a few hypocritical character flaws in each of the classes. Some of the specific characters who are in the estate of the clergy would be the Pardoner and the Friar. In the nobility class, we have the Knight and the Squire. Finally, in the peasantry class, we have th e Plowman and the Parson. As we learn in The Wife of Bath’s Tale, there were three estates of women: the virgin, the wife, and the widow. Caesura: A caesura is simply a pause in a line. Caesurae can be used for a number of reasons. One of the reasons for the use of a caesura is to hint to the reader to take heed of the previous line. Another reason for a caesura would be to create a rhythm. CaesuraeShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The American Dream1063 Words   |  5 Pagesis the American Dream? Is it home ownership, gaining fame or wealth, having a great family or is it gaining a peace of mind? Many people have different versions of what the American Dream is, some people believe the dream is lost, and some people are right in the middle and still believe the American Dream is still alive. â€Å"The American Dream† by Brandon King debates about what the true state is left in the American Dream now. Throughout the essay, King asks if the American Dream is dead, alive, onRead MoreThe Dissolution of a Dream in F. 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